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Instagram Unveils Bolt, An App Similar To Snapchat

It seems like instagram is now competing with other videos and photos messaging app such as slingshot and snapchat. The social media fir...

It seems like instagram is now competing with other videos and photos messaging app such as slingshot and snapchat.

The social media firm recently launched a new photos and videos messaging app called "Bolt" for ios and android device. Bolt lets user quickly snap and send photos and videos to friends with "one tap" and delete it with a swipe, just like slingshot.

Though the firm has confirmed the release of the app in countries like South Africa, New Zealand and Singapore. However, it will not be available in other countries until all the bugs are fixed. "We're going to other regions soon, but are starting with a handful of countries to make sure we can scale the experience," says an Instagram spokeman.

You can easily create an account with just your phone number, and you don't even need to include your Email address. Immediately you sign up, you will be able to add 20 favourites from your phonebook for easy access, and also reply to friends with photos, videos or ordinary text.

The image is ephemeral. To share images, tap the screen to both take photos and send them instantly, you can also add text captions. Once you're done looking at a message, you can easily delete it by swiping it away with your finger. Unlike Snapchat, there's no limited time for how long you can view a message.

It's obvious that Instagram's Bolt app is motivated by snapchat or slingshot, though both apps do not have "Favorites" option but, they do have some features in common.



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Teyusfreedomtobrowse: Instagram Unveils Bolt, An App Similar To Snapchat
Instagram Unveils Bolt, An App Similar To Snapchat
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